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Spring Upgrade: Features and User Experience Improvements

Elton Machholz
Spring Upgrade: Features and User Experience Improvements
by Elton Machholz 'EJ' - Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 7:17 PM

The Spring upgrade to Campus will bring a number of new features and functionality to all users, learners, trainers and managers.  A summary of the new features and user experience improvements are listed below.  Many of these improvements are based upon a recent Voice of the Customer survey and associated and focus groups to ensure we are meeting your current and future learning needs.


System-Wide Features and Improvements:

  • A new modern log in page with interactive media.
    • The Single Sign On (SS)) buttons have been stacked above the manual log in fields
    • Native support for SAML 2.0 authentication will allow Campus to continue to securely support system and learner data now and into the future.
  • Optimized Public Homepage and Welcome Page for guests and new users
  • Simplified Dashboards for Learners and Managers
    • Icons and Images will provide single click access to more detailed summaries and reporting options
  • Revised Required Leaning display
    • Improved page design and visibility to verify assignment status and due dates for Programs and Certification Programs
  • Portable Document Files (PDF) have been optimized for responsive display
  • Improved color schemes for the Alerts (Red) and Task (Orange) Notification blocks throughout the system

New Campus Log In Page          Campus Catalog (Find Learning) Display

Features and Improvements for Learners

  • Multiple improvements to the catalog (Find Learning) display
    • New search filter options by Course and Activity Types
    • Simplified the catalog to displaying only courses
  • Activity Status menu and export options
    • Learners can access completion data for activities with a single mouse click
  • Course and Activity imagery has been enhanced and sizes rescaled for improved visibility
  • Program/Certification Program visual grid display
    • Course sets in a program will be presented in a visual grid similar to the layout seen in the course catalog
  • Collapsible Course/Program Headers
    • Learners can now collapse header banners to essential details while working with learning content
  • Certificate sharing
    • Linked in Learning certificates can be shared/download from within your Campus account and out to your LinkedIn Learning account


Header Banner Expanded with Details          Required (Mandatory) Learning Assignment Display          Header Banner Collapsed

Features and Improvements for Trainers

  • Pathway: A new course format
    • The pathway course format will give trainers a new look and easier to understand interactive pathway status marker to indicate progress in a course in a completely visual way
  • H5P learning content generator
    • H5P is a globally utilized interactive content development tool with 52 unique activities that can be built into courses
  • A second generation Training Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (TASK) course template allows for completely digital skill assessment, documentation and certification process to be documented.
    • Color coded tracking will provide an easy to visualize completion status and ties into the new activity completion report functionality
  • New Filters for Seminar Events/Sessions
    • Options to filter by enable location, time zone, specific trainer(s), and session language filters are available
  • Customized Certificates
    • This major version give trainers a visual interface to create fully customizable certificates and awards documents for completion of activities, courses and programs.
    • New predefined and custom data field display options are also available to meet global regulatory requirements for certificate issuance.
  • Course Tag Customization
    • Trainers can now place search tags on courses tile in the catalog and in the course details panel making searching for specific content easier for learners
  • Zoom Automated Time Attendance Tracking
    • Trainers can now set minimum required time levels into their Zoom events and allow Zoom to communicate full/partial attendance based upon the learners time in session
    • We plan to expand this functionality for Microsoft Teams events later this year
  • Trainers Quick Access Display
    • A new Courses as a Trainer panel will allow trainers to quickly confirm the courses they teach and access them from a single display


Features and Improvements for Managers

  • Fully redesigned Manager Dashboard
  • Simplified System Reports menu
    • Managers can now access a slimmed down list of system reports
  • New Activity/Course Utilization Displays
    • Provides trainer and manager access to detailed metrics for course utilization by individual, groups, or all learners.
  • Added quick links to access the main reports
  • Quick view of my team and user status
  • New Dashboard with a quick report overview

Manager's Dashboard (My Team) Display          Manager's Team Summary and Overview