This subcategory contains site specific training course and learning content for the Charles River DSA Skokie (SKO) site located in Skokie =, IL (US).

You will learn to engage employees by being a great supervisor and showcasing the behaviors of a high trust leader. The relationship between supervisor and staff can drive excellent performance and retention, or toxicity and turnover. Positively motivated employees are the key to your success as a manager and a leader.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training

Skokie Virtual Emotional Intelligence Training is a 3.5 hour training based on the Book Emotional Intelligence 2.0.  It is a journey of harnessing the power of emotions for professional  and personal excellence.  Provides training on the impact of EQ and provides an understanding of the four emotional intelligence skills that impact our behavior and relationships, how we manage those behaviors to achieve positive results in our personal and work relationships.  You will receive information on book pickup and zoom meeting link within 48 hours of registration.  It is highly encouraged to have your video on during the meeting to make it a meaningful and engaging experience.

Instructions to go out with the book revised 053019.pdfInstructions to go out with the book revised 053019.pdf

Emotional Intelligence Check In

This 1 ½  hour check in will be an opportunity in a facilitated/coaching format, to serve as a check in on how you and others are doing on your action plan and   learnings from the emotional intelligence training you attended.  Where have you been successful?  When have you got stuck?  What can I learn from what others are doing?  What are some ideas that can help us improve our scores in the areas that we have chosen to work on?

Trainer Cindy Biggs

Administrator Ashley Fuhrman