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New Course: Clinical Trial Subject Confidentiality

Elton Machholz
New Course: Clinical Trial Subject Confidentiality
by Elton Machholz 'EJ' - Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 6:18 PM

The Quality Assurance Regulatory Compliance team is pleased to announce a new course titled; Clinical Trial Subject Confidentiality is available for clinical research support staff.  This new course focuses on recent changes and updates to the rules and regulations in this area of research.  This course also directs learners to review the revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on this topic.

About this Course:

SOP HRM-136-2.0 applies to all Charles River personnel involved in work associated with clinical trials. This includes but is not limited to sample management personnel, responsible scientists, QC and QA staff, study coordinators and clinical data management groups.

Intended Audience: This course applies to Charles River personnel involved in work associated with clinical trials.

Duration: <10 Minutes

You can use the keyword #confidentiality in the Regulatory and Compliance category to search for this course and enroll today!